Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Detail diagram of the Burj Dubai April 22nd 2008

Detail diagram of the Burj Dubai April 22nd 2008, the Burj Dubai is now at level 162

To get the levels straight ...

- 160 levels - not counting the 4 lower levels.
- Add 6 - for Ground level, 155 mezz., 158 mezz., 160 mezz.1, 160 mezz. 2, and 160 mezz. 3
- Subtract 4 - for skipped levels 41, 74, 110, and 137.
= 162 levels.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Burj Dubai tier methodology

Burj Dubai tier methodology to help show which direction the terraces face. A 360 degree directional compass was used for the approximate direction the points of the wings face.

Tier 30 Top is a platform 1.5 M diameter with a hatch.
Tier 30 - pinnacle 4 is circular 1.2 M diameter.
Tier 29 - pinnacle 3 is circular 1.35 M diameter.
Tier 28 - pinnacle 2 is circular 1.5 M diameter.
Tier 27 - pinnacle 1 begins with tier 26 terrace facing 180, then rises up circular 2.1 M diameter.

Tier 24, 25, and 26 wings are 1.5 M long.
Tier 26 - spire 5 begins with tier 25 terrace facing 60 then rises up with 1 wing facing 180.
Tier 25 - spire 4 begins with tier 24 terrace facing 300 then rises up with 2 wings facing 60 and 180.
Tier 24 - spire 3 begins with tier 23 terrace facing 240 then rises up symmetrically with 3 wings facing 60, 180, and 300.

Tier 21, 22, and 23 wings are 6 M long.
Tier 23 - spire 2 begins with tier 22 terrace facing 120 then rises up with 1 wing facing 240.
Tier 22 - spire 1/roof 4 begins with tier 21 terrace facing 0 then rises up with 2 wings facing 120 and 240.
Tier 21 - roof 3 begins with tier 20 terrace facing 240 then rises up symmetrically with 3 wings facing 0, 120, and 240.

Tier 18, 19, and 20 wings are 6 M long.
Tier 20 - roof 2 begins with tier 19 terrace facing 120 then rises up with 1 wing facing 240.
Tier 19 - roof 1 begins with tier 18 terrace facing 0 then rises up with 2 wings facing 120 and 240.
Tier 18 begins with Tier 17 terrace facing 300 then rises up symmetrically with 3 wings facing 0, 120, and 240.

They are working on the first level / section of tier 18. We can see the terrace faces opposite of the shot - 300 degrees and the 3 wings of tier 18 facing 0, 120, and 240 degrees. Then tier 18 top (first section of tier 19 terrace) faces 0 degrees (North) or where Ember's 20 is. The methodology can then be followed to get the rest. Also tier 27 to 30 are circular.

Burj Dubai April 22nd 2008 photo update

Burj Dubai April 22nd 2008 photo update, here is some nice shots taken on April 16th 2008 of the Burj Dubai.. They show the progress of the cladding and a couple shots of the top of the Burj Dubai.

Photos taken from Burj Dubai cranes

Here is a photo of the Burj Dubai and a photo taken from the crane, we can see how each tier is going to be layed out as the Burj Dubai progresses.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Keeping the Burj Dubai Cool part 2

Keeping the Burj Dubai Cool part 2, here is some photos of the chillers and equipment that will go into keeping the 160 story Burj Dubai cool.